Saturday, December 24, 2005

Turin Brakes - Rain City

performances were simply, awesome!

ytd at hougang mall wasn't so good 'cause the sound system was being a burden. fucked up can!
my playing was okay okay. felt damn tired afer the whole thing. then there was another carolling performance this aftternoon at paragon.

nick GG-ed la, his guitar playing was on form today, and he was finally loud enough. im gonna post up some pictures soon if i can get em.

THANK YOU mummy, aunty aunty honey and choo, alex&matthew, veronica, jenson, amelia, shermin, shuzhen and sin ee for coming to see!

merry christmas!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

you're digging for gold, you're throwing away
a fortune in feelings

someday you'll pay

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Madonna - Take a Bow

i believe now, that life is all about perception. and that life is ugly.

who brings us happiness? is it that special someone you wait anxiously all night for a reply from?
is it your frineds?

my happiness comes from myself. if i cant make myself happy, who the fuck can?

i am still pissed off at how the whole situation looks. but dont worry about me, please. YOU, my dear have other things to be worried about. let me have my fun, you have yours. dont expect things to return to normal, because they won't anytime soon.

i sold you
and you sold me.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I didn't want it to end.
but at the camp, i realised, we just can't talk normally anymore.
what happened? i dont know, maybe i just got switched off by the awkwardness in which we spoke. like both of us were so guarded and defensive.

if you wanted it to end, why the confusion?

i know there was nothing going on with you and that guy at the camp. please leh, i know hes not your type anyway. for one thing. he smokes; like me.

i'll deal with it and get over it soon i suppose. I'm doing just fine on my own 2 feet. call me insensitive, call me an asshole, send your friends to give me a piece of their mind.


Monday, December 05, 2005

The Zutons - Remember Me


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she wasnt the only one.
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alright basicaly, the choice weekend was too monotonous and rigid. we had 9 sharing sessions. each 2 hours. conducted like tutorials. i didnt enjoy myself very much. aside fomr the great company. anyhow, we dozed off during some (all) of the sessions for a little (sometimes long) while. but it was all gd. we all left the camp a little better than before.

now for my Chiristmas Wishlist;

My White Christmas

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get get get for me. =)

but first, clear bills. and yes, party.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Copeland - Pin Your Wings

so heres to goodbye. was it easy? easier than i expected.

me and her come from seperate dimensions. our thinking is on 2 different wavelengths.

im didn't do the best i could, i admit. but i did try.

but from now i'll strip away all the unecessary drama. hell, someone will come for you soon. someone will come for me eventually. but not now. im not gonna be pinned down anymore.

no more jekyll and hyde performances from me.
kenneth will be kenneth all the same. no more bending backwards to lick my arsehole.

i may be criticised for not being ready for a relationship now,

but at least im ready not to be in one.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Massive Attack - Angel

so it goes like this, the holidays have been fun. 2 months of immortality for kennethiansoo!

but just as all great heroes die, and all sadistic regimes crumble, and all food from one's plate must be finished, so must the holidays. 2 months. 2 whole solid months.

anyhow, im kinda ok with going back to school, i've been posted to the E-Learning Development Centre in my school. from what i hear, all i'll be doing is flash animation, and snacking, and sleeping, and watching movies.

well. at least theres no lectures and tutorials this sem. -jumps around

but i have to wake up at 7 every morning. -jumps out the window

so thank you all for giving me a wonderful 2 months to look back on.


i am tired. change good, yes?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

i am a mess right now, so i made a list to cheer myself up

i want to:

1/ change my spectacle frames

2/ bring my lomo LC-A back from the camera hospital

3/ invest, save up for: rollei snapshot camera / colorsplash lomo

4/ start mucking about with a TLR camera and

5/ save money for film and developing

6/ clear my phone bills

7/ be a better person


do you read me?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Stone Temple Pilots - Kitchenware & Candybars

so anyway, last night at about 3am i just finished brushing my teeth when my mum starts tearing into me. screaming at me. about what?

hah. what else?

things are alright now.

i want my lomo back. and i want a rollei.

holidays have been wicked! although my mood has occasionally been soured during this tenure, but other than that its been all gd. i got school starting the following week! isn't that exciting?!

nyp business blows granny pussy.

i have nothing to bitch and rant about now. i'm too hungry and restless to type right now.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

it was your hello that kept me hanging on every word

and your goodbye that keeps me listening for your voice around each corner

Friday, September 23, 2005

Radiohead - A Punch Up At A Wedding

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the sky I see is always blue
you know how people say:

" damn i'm lucky i ain't that guy "

guess what?


last night, i was that guy.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

just because you don't mean it.

doesn't make it any better.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


wah lan eh! the stupid girls cant carry their own bags??? there were 4 girls and 1 boy. boy carries all the bags. but i dont blame the girls entirely.
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boy. The good Lord up above gave you a penis for a reason. and thats not to let it get whacked around by some IJ girls. you fucking disgrace! pussy-whipped-faggot-shit.

heres another one.
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we celebrated char's birthday today. sketches at robertson walk, then pool at paradigm. fun? totally. i love you baby. we got another great day in front of us tml.
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taa motherfucker, taa!

Friday, September 16, 2005

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so singapore.

Friday, September 09, 2005

My posts don't need no stinking titles. hey everyone. i just got my pay. but i havent banked it in yet. gotta put it aside. got parties next week. on top of tt its my dear charlene's birthday next week too. she doesnt believe me! her birthday present is really gonan need 4 toothpicks. if i can pull it off.
im not sure, cuz i've been so caught up to my arse in work and church stuff. busy trying to co-ordinate the designs and getting approval. sometimes i hate having to be diplomatic.

nevermind! i finally got myself down to SSDC at yio chu kang to register for my basic theory. imagine, my school is just in front of tt place but i've always been too ass-lazy to go down. no more! soon kenneth will have a driving license.

pedestrians beware.

i will not hesitate to slam you down if you've offended me in any way. =)

better not say so much. get the damn license first.

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okay. i'm working multiple jobs now, on an ad hoc basis. at that shithole restaurant at novena sq, the hp print shop at amoy street, and an office in kallang.
anyhow, the shithole restaurant is pissing the shit outta me. i mean, what kind of company pays its employees their pay for JUNE in AUGUST. stupid asshat company. only concerned with making profits. staff welfare? who needs it.
i read this article in the new paper today, about service standards in singapore (yet again). but this time, the writer told if from the POV of someone in the service industry. lets face it, working full time in that line will kick the shit out of you. long or irregular half-fucked working hours, low pay, and emotional distress from dickhead employers and ass-wipe customers. c'mon singaporeans, when was the last time you smiled and thanked the person giving you your meal at mcdonalds? or the patient young lady in robinsons who let you try on everything on the rack 1 by 1?

ok, admittedly, some pple in the service line REALLY have sucky attitudes, and their mostly the ones who tYpEz LiKeZz TiS. agree? bad attitude, they just stand there, you ask them a question within their JOB DESCRIPTION and they fail to answer you. not only tt. they give a blank stare and reply curtly, after which they'll go back to twiddling their dyed rebonded hair. their the exact opposite. thinking tt working a service job is beneath them. and they handle things in such an unprofessional manner. what do you expect with their brains?

i had a customer the other day at the restaurant, some middle aged exec. probably 50. you know what i hate the most? to be waved at. like their gesturing for a dog to come over. and worse, when they talk to you they dont even look at you. well you know what old man? fist yourself! i show respect to every customer who walks in thru the door, but after getting rude bitch after rude bitch, it gets tiring. but the job still has to be done.

the customer is not always right.

Monday, September 05, 2005

my life has become mundane. im in desperate need of cash but i dont have enough working hours to cover for all my ambitious expeditures. working at the HP print shop is boring, mechanical and basically routine, but it is also fulfilling to see all your hard work go into someones appreciative hands. not like waitering. *pooi

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so she eats her ice cream, unaware of the impending danger surrounding her

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oh fuck!

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she bolted outta the place. really.


btw, bohemian rhapsody is one of the BEST songs ever written. if your musical vocabulary doesn't go past "tong hua" and simple-(garbage)-plan or good-(freaking-crap)-charlotte, then you probably wouldn't have heard about it.

like my friend LB said, it is the most original song ever written. okay enough musical rants for now. please know this. i have a list of desired albums. here!

1. interpol - turn on the bright lights
2. copeland - beneath medicine tree
3. underoath - they're only chasing safety
4. pink floyd - dark side of the moon (30th anniv. ed!)

and anything by the juliana theory and lovedrug. okay thats it for my aural wishlist. i'll write more next time.

till then. people who refuse to move to the middle of the train deserve to be trampled upon!

Monday, August 29, 2005

for her i'd do anything.

this entry is for charlene.
well, we went to town on saturday to do our eyebrows and get my jeans. i brought my camera out but we only decided to use it at the train station.

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we're quite the normal couple, go town, walk walk, shop shop, talk talk, eat eat, slack slack. watch movie. yeah. normal most of the time. but also radically different. i mean, she followed me back to my old apartment estates to climb the monkey bars and stare at monkeys. real monkeys! she even played with lego with me! hahaha. not exactly la, but i gave her an R2D2 lookalike, our favourite hangouts are places away from crowds

we go to bugis and discriminate people with no fashion sense. she allows me to indulge in my lomo hobby and shes been supportive ever since! its her support which counts the most to me. even if i get no favour at home, i know i can always count on her. no matter how stupid the idea i have, no matter how far-fetched it may seem. she always keeps a realistic and open mind.

just a few days ago i was suddenly hit by a wave of appretiation. i realised how much i've grown to depend on char, but i wouldn't have it any other way. thank you =)

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R2D2 and R4D4! HAHA!

baby? i love you.

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yes, you!

we may go up and down, left or right, port or starboard, north or south. FUCK that.
i'm stuck on you and tt's all that matters.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Monday, August 22, 2005

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buy this for me!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

i started working. its really good money. only gripe is that this job is temporary. till next friday...and its in the ultra-hip and super-cool kallang industrial area!

JTC Kallang! whoa!

hahaha, we celebrate nick and karen's birthdays last week. enjoy!

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yes they did leave me alone

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happy birthday ren. you look happy here. =)

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nick! my mockingbird-shredding-wild-haired-urban angler!

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i know this isn't from that night, but i cant find any shots of the both of them.

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russ and jing, the part-time addition to our group

Friday, August 12, 2005

Tried to stay on the ball and believe in it all, but it bounces in our face.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

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this dude rocks so freaking hard. and look at him. he looks like a non-drugged up Kurt Cobain.
he can sing. thats important. yes. Rockstar INXS has given me a reason to get over midweek depression, 'cause of all the kick-ass contestants. American Idol is 2nd rate compared to this show.

support marty casey!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Singaporeans we love to hate.

1 - the i-have-kids-so-i-can-be-rude-idiot

have you ever come across a person with kids, who thinks he owns everyone else around him? or thinks everything should be given up to him just because he has kids? actually its the right thing to give up our seats to these ppl. im not denying that. but not when these idiots think its their damn birthright that we should sacrifice for them.

believe me, im all up for being polite and courteous. i always give up my seat in the train for ppl with children. and even in food courts, i'd move to a smaller table if i see a family who needs the table more than me.
but i had 2 run ins with morons. FIRST. i was at gelare at ps with char. we sat in one of the booths. yay! we lucky lucky found a booth seat. THEN...this aunty came up to us and said

"i have kids"

tell me for what?! i saw the 2 kids with you and your friend. you didnt have to tell me you had kids with you. you just had to ASK whether you could have the seat because i'd understand. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW RUDE SHE WAS? i just looked at char, she looked at me. blank. i'd never encountered such stupidity before. so taking pity on her, we got outta the booth.
you may think im being unreasonable, but seriously people. such behaviour is just. ugh. she didnt even ask. or maybe she was gonna. whatever. too late for that. she was rude. supremely. and btw, its not her entitlement.

2nd episode. actually quite typical of singaporeans. man was pushing pram and talking on his mobile phone. hes so obviously not paying attention. soooo. crowded space. i try my best to 'siam' his pram. but alas. it nudges against me. i raise my hand to say sorry. what does mr stupid do? HE GLARES AT ME! like, WTF you dumbass! i didnt kick your baby did i? my gosh. what the hell.

thats all for today. next episode!

stupid singaporean behaviour on public transport!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

exams exams exams. i've gotten business law over with for now. just hope a decent gradeawaits at the end of all the scribbling. and financial services. good gosh. is that the industry im gonna be working in?


its so boring and dry. like, what are the requirements for a company to be listed on SGX. like who cares???!!! okay, that was too much. i know alot of people care. and i should too.

people please pray for me and my exams! pray for me and i'll pray for you too!!! (just kidding, i'd pray for you even if u didnt pray for me. =] )

Bernie's 18th Birthday

we celebrated it with her on saturday. bfg plus stacia and charlene, girlfriends of tim and kenneth. im so glad she enjoyed herself and liked the birthday song we sang a guitar always comes in handy doesnt it. =)

on a different note, im feeling way better from my previous post. a wave of pissed-off-ness just hit me. but i am fine now. thankfully. the emo has helped soothe my soul.

gaaah. reading my girlfriend's blog makes me think about my dream too. (actually she asked me)...and i've always wanted to visit the lake district in england. NON-TOURIST spots. quiet. serene. calm. thats a real holiday for me.

finally...Copeland rock so hard lah. and they were great at baybeats aside form some weirdly slow songs which made non-familiar fans fall asleep. hahaha. oh ya!!! cuz aaron marsh (vocalist) kept repeating the word "sweet" in his fan-banter.

"you guys have a merlion here in singapore? SWEET"

"we have fans...SWEET"

I have a girlfriend who i adore!! SWEET! HAHAHA

oh yeah. they have a cover of the song "take my breath away". remember who else covered it? yeah, jessica simpson. listen to their version and you'll think her version sucked even more than it already does. HA!

off to bed now. rockstar INXS tml morning. i think i'll blog abt the show tml.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

listen: Brandston - Mercy Medical

mood: moody, stressed, frustrated.

stressed out with the exams. this is not what i needed to be on my mind right now. the comment i heard, passed about me, was totally off. like really. but in good nature i've put it aside. all i can say is: it hurt.

sigh. i'll just grit my teeth and bear with this. examinations. blah.

to top it all off, i'm going through an unpredictable emo-phase right now. (if you're wondering, char and i are fine.)

I have alot on my mind right now. those who say they have way more than i do and im making alot out of nothing...

shut up. I didn't ask.


did i mention i was stressed and hurt all at the same time?

-jumps around happily

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Friday, July 15, 2005

Messed up Business Finance. Totally.
Thanks char. You made me feel alot better today with your call.

sigh. never been so demoralised about school before. gimme a fucking break.
still have marketing management PW to do. finally. something i'm better applied at.

i read xiaxue's blog for the first time today. (i never bothered to check when all the hype went about). i don't get what all the fuss about her blog is about. seriously. tsk tsk. garbage.

bah. feeling so random right now. i really should be getting down to work.

To the end we'll be...when our worlds collide

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

You and me, we're the best thing.

Have you ever found somebody you love so much, that every single moment spent with the person seems like a gift. to treasure and to hold on to for dear life?

I have.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

// Coldplay - What if?

I am a bad student. Yes its true. i dont think i'm hopelessly stupid. I think i'm a bit lazy at times. But i do push myself. I don't like where i am now. there is something better out there for me. i know it. there is something which suits my talents better. i know it. This isn't it.

You know you're in the wrong place when you have to drag yourself out of bed with a feeling of dread everyday.

What the hell am i doing here?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Heres to everybody's best friend, Russell Gabriel Png.

happy 18 russ! may you have a super birthday this year.
may you enjoy the rest of your life ahead of you. and please, try not to bully me too much in the future ok? =P


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

This is a new blog.

I havent been blogging for ages. pple come here from now on alright?

anyhow, i've been losing my mind with tests and PW. high chance of a meltdown come late-july.I'm just glad i have my frineds to work me through this. be it the russ, nick and ren, or my super nua classmates, or the BFG, or my wonder-woman, charlene. they've all encouraged me one way or another.

go on. the finish is near.

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beezelbub has a devil put aside for me